Serialized Items – Item Set-up

A Serial number is a number that identifies a unique unit of an item. Serial numbers are used to track specific items from acquisition to sale to history. Serial numbers can only be assigned to serialized items.

You can track your serialized items in one of two ways: “ always serialized” or “ sometimes serialized”.

Always serialized
Always serialized items allow you to exercise tight management control over the movement of quantities for the item. Serial numbers must be specified for every transaction (receiving, sale, etc.). You may only sell serial numbers that are actually in stock. “ Always serialized” tracking ensures that there is a serial number in your records for each unit shown in your quantity on-hand.

Sometimes serialized
Sometimes serialized items provide somewhat looser control. Recording of serial numbers during receiving (or other transactions) is optional. You can also specify for each item whether serial numbers are required when selling and/or returning. “Sometimes serialized” tracking is useful for businesses that don’t track in-stock serial numbers but do want to record serial number information.

Watch our video below to learn how to set up a Serialized Item in Counterpoint.